Old Digging Picture

Old Digging Picture |

View of Excavation |

Thing about digging! |

Cow Burial |

Shell and Bone


Digging |


Digging |

Broach |


Digging |


Digging |

Restistivity Map |

Restistivity Map |

Geophysics Interpretations from Sept 2002 survey

Rocky Clump "Flattened" Geophysics Plot from Dec 2002 |

Rocky Clump "Non-Flattened" Geophysics Plot from Dec 2002 |

Rocky Clump Digging |

Rocky Clump Bone and Shell Finds

Rocky Clump North-South Ditch |

Film Crew - March 2003 |

Start of 2003 Season |

Rocky Clump Bones |

Rocky Clump Young Archaeolgist Club

Pottery |

Pottery |

Record Turnout ! |

Bones in North/South Ditch

"Shrine" Area with Large Post Hole |

Geophysics Non-Flat

Geophysics Flat |

Pit & Ditch Section 2005 |

Section 2005 |

Man in a "Shrine" Post Hole 2005

A "Shrine" Post Hole 2005 |

Lots of Activity
2005 |

Complex Pits Intercutting 2005

Drawing a Pit
Sept/Oct 06

Large Pit
Sept/Oct 06 |

Large Pit
Sept/Oct 06 |

Large Pit
Sept/Oct 06 |

North Trench
Sept/Oct 06 |

East Trench
Sept/Oct 06

Mediveal Ditch
Sept/Oct 06

North Trench
Sept/Oct 06 |

Shrine - Cleaning Up
Sept/Oct 06

Shrine Post Hole
Sept/Oct 06 |

Peculiar ridges March/May 07 |

Opening the North trench March/May 07 |

Opening a new section March/May 07 |

Post holes and ditches coming into view March/May 07

New Shrine Post Hole March/May 07 |

Cleaning back a ditch surface March/May 07 |

Looking for the large north ditch March/May 07 |

Geophysics March/May 07 |

Parallel Ditches - North Trench August 07

North Trench with Flint & Sarsen August 07

North Trench after rain August 07 |

Large Pit - Bones Trench August 07 |

Bones Trench with large ditch August 07 |

The Large North Ditch August 07 |

Pits, Post Holes & Ditches North Trench August 07 |

A "Shrine" post hole Oct 07 |

Deeper in the North Trench Oct 07

Ditches coming into view - North Trench Oct 07 |

Examining the Ditches Oct 07 |

The Bones Trench Oct 07 |

Flint & Bone in North Trench Oct 07

Looking for Burials Oct 07 |

More Flint & Bone Trench Oct 07 |

Parallel Roman Ditches Oct 07 |

How to lift a delicate Skull April 09 |

The North Ditch April 09 |

Interesting Stratigraphy April 09 |

Animal Bones being recovered April 09 |

More bone deposits May 09 |

Scapula May 09 |

A pit and ditch being revealed in the East trench May 09 |

The north south ditch being revealed May 09 |

Roman roofing tile in-situ May 09 |

And even more bone May 09 |

Bone experts May 09 |

Beginning to remove the upper layers May 09 |

First Floor appearing May/June09 |

Flint Floor and Sarsen Stone after rain May/June09 |

Roman "snake" ring May/June09 |

Roman roofing tile in the east baulk May/June09 |

Roman Disc Brooch May/June09 |

Removing the upper layers May/June09 |

Large amounts of bone May/June09 |

Cow bone in north-south ditch May/June09 |

Bones Experts May/June09 |

North-South ditch after excavation May/June09 |

Ditch in the East trench May/June09 |

Uncovering large Sarsen Stones May 2010 |

Uncovering more large Sarcen Stones May 2010 |

Flint Cobbled Floor and Pit May 2010 |

East Sarcen Stone May 2010 |

Inside the Trees May 2010 |

Bones Trench May 2010 |

Spring 2010 |

Beneath the cobbled floor-in the bones trench July 2010 |

The east trench- sarson stones, oyster and samian July 2010 |

Lunchtime at Rocky Clump July 2010 |

Complex features and stratigraphy- east trench July 2010 |

Cattle pelvis, teeth and leg bones July 2010 |

The Flint Cobbled floor and pit July 2010 |

New ditch and post hole in the north trench July 2010 |

Roman or 1950's Fireplace? July 2010 |

A well and flint cobbled surface July 2010 |

A good out on the first day of digging April 2011 |

Day 1 - Setting out the test trenches April 2011 |

In the Plough soil, but finds coming up April 2011 |

The South Field April 2011 |

The East trench - repairing the damage done to this part of the site
by cattle April 2011 |

Trench 1 - A large feature uncovered April 2011 |

Trench 2 - Sadly no features in this area April 2011 |

A busy day in May May/June 2011 |

A possible pit or post hole May/June 2011 |

Another busy day in June May/June 2011 |

Finds of Bone and mussel shells May/June 2011 |

Gradually extending the trench May/June 2011 |

Some quite intriguing features May/June 2011 |

Pottery and Butchered Bone July 2011 |

Curious Layers July 2011 |

BHAS Field Unit at Work July 2011 |

An Interesting curved gully July 201 |

A Busy Day at Rocky Clump July 2011 |

Large and Curoius feature July 2011 |

Another busy day at Rocky Clump April 2011 |

Pottery and mussel shells April 2011 |

Alternating 1 metre sections May 2011 |

Uncovering lots of mussel shells May 2011 |

Awash with mussel shells May 2011 |

Road to Rocky Clump watercolour July 2011 |

Curious deposits August 2011 |

Deep deposits from part of the midden August 2011 |

Lots of layers and getting deeper August 2011 |

RCS11 Possible La Tene brooch - 100BC-100AD Sept 2011 |

Trackway for carts
November 2011

An intriguing gully
November 2011
An odd collection of post holes
November 2011

Decorated pot sherd - some very clear
November 2011

Lots of large bones being found
November 2011

Pits cutting layers in the baulk
November 2011

Roman Glass
November 2011

The curious trackway and
adjacent pit or ditch
November 2011