
Resistivity Survey at Ovingdean More

Resistivity |


Lunch Break |

Wall |

Trench |

Pottery |


Lunch |

Packing Up |

Pottery |

Metal Detection |

Digging |

Digging |

Digging |

Digging |


2003 Season |

2003 Season |

Medieval Walls 2003 |

2003 Season |

Medieval Walls 2003 Season

Articulated Sheep 2003 Season |

Corner of possible Manor House 2003 Season |

An interperatation of 13th Century Ovingdean |

Roof tiles in the demolition layer April 06 |

A good first day turn out April 06 |

A photo of Norman taking a photo of John taking a photo of the trench
April 06 |

A Busy Trench! May/June 06 |

A detached kitchen foundation trench May/June 06 |

Deja vu at Ovingdean May/June 06 |

Medieval Pottery May/June 06 |

Digging May/June 06 |

A foundation trench appearing! May/June 06 |

Tower Rubble May/June 06 |

Vestiges of a Boundary Wall May/June 06 |

The Features Beginning to Appear April/May 2008 |

Opening the Kitchen Trench April/May 2008 |

Floor Tile and Cooking Pot in the Ditch April/May 2008 |

Opening the Manor Trench April/May 2008 |

The Walls and Cobbled Floor of the Manor House April/May 2008 |

Corner of the Manor House April/May 2008 |

The New Building and Ditch April/May 2008 |

Ditches and Post Poles Appearing April/May 2008 |

A visit by the YAC April/May 2008 |

Field Walking Feb 2009 |

The south west corner showing a hole cut for stone robbing July 2009 |

Metal Staining in the east wall July 2009 |

Carved chalk blocks July 2009 |

Lots of tile beneath the turf July 2009 |

Looking for those house walls July 2009 |

Inside the north west corner with tile and mortar adhering July 2009 |

The north east corner being revealed July 2009 |

The South west corner coming into view July 2009 |

The BHAS transport and rain shield July 2009 |

Some nice medieval pottery July 2009 |

Several walls on top of each other July 2009 |

Part of the beach pebble floor July 2009 |

The early days Sept 2009

Visit by the Young Archaeologist Club Sept 2009 |

Another busy day Sept 2009 |

Bones and Building Rubble Sept 2009 |

South West Corner of Building Sept 2009 |

Inside the North East Corner with tile and morter adherting Sept 2009 |

Medevial Pottery Sept 2009

Cellar Floor appearing Sept 2009

Lots of animal bones in the cellar Sept 2009

North East Corner of Building Sept 2009 |

South West Corner Sept 2009 |

Walls coming into view Sept 2009 |

Walls on top of walls Sept 2009 |

Those walls getting thicker Sept 2009 |

North East Corner Sept 2009 |

Fieldwalking at Ovingdean Feb 2010

Removing that lovely soft top soil April 2014

Setting out the fencing April 2014

Will we find the dovecote April 2014

Ovingdean Church April 2014 |

A large crowd for the first day April 2014 |

Deturfing those first trenches April 2014 |

Features beginning to appear April 2014 |

Setting out the trenches May 2014 |

Starting on the second trench May 2014 |

A busy site at times May 2014 |

A nice alignment of large post holes, whatever is it May 2014 |

A nice collection of daub in the ditch bottom May 2014 |

Finding those edges May 2014 |

Will we find the dovecote May 2014

Looking for the ditch May 2014 |

Pits ditches and post holes May 2014 |

Post holes appearing May 2014 |

Post holes galore May 2014 |

A complete horse skull in trench C June 2014 |

A group of students from Wyoming USA June 2014 |

A nice stratigraphy June 2014 |

Post holes and ditches appearing in trench B2 June 2014 |

Post holes with post pipe June 2014 |

Collection flints,that proved not to be the dove-cote June 2014 |

Its getting more interesting with each day June 2014 |

Ditch - PH - ditch - ditch - PH -PH - PH June 2014 |

The large ditch in trench B2 June 2014

A very curious feature June 2014

A ditch filled with daub June 2014 |

A pretty impressive ditch section June 2014 |

A multitude of layers and features July/Aug 2014 |

A drop of overnight rain really shows up the features July/Aug 2014 |

A ditch within a bank July/Aug 2014 |

Now that looks like a fine edge July/Aug 2014 |

Work in the north trench July/Aug 2014 |

Chasing post holes at the north end July/Aug 2014 |

Another post hole July/Aug 2014 |

Yet another post hole July/Aug 2014 |

Quite a lot going on today July/Aug 2014 |

Working around the flint floor Sept/Oct 2014 |

Trench K, quite a depth of soil
over the features Sept/Oct 2014 |

Recording the large pit beneath
the bank and more post hole Sept/Oct 2014

Possible medieval cart tracks
and a new ditch Sept/Oct 2014 |

Finding those flint edges and
post holes in trench D Sept/Oct 2014 |

Plenty off medieval pot below those stones Sept/Oct 2014

More layers than a great British bake off sponge cake Sept/Oct 2014 |

Mark has found yet
another odd feature Sept/Oct 2014 |

Lots of subtle features in
even more subtle layers Sept/Oct 2014 |

A lot of activity in trench 'J' Sept/Oct 2014 |

Looking for more post holes
in Trench 'J' Sept/Oct 2014 |

Layers upon layers of flints trench D Sept/Oct 2014 |

A section through the earth work showing the large chalk block
Sept/Oct 2014 |

The buried land surace at Ovingdean under the bank December 2014 |

Another pit and part of the floors in the large trench December 2014 |

Working in removing the upper fill sin trench 'J' December 2014 |

Removing the other half of the pit December 2014 |

Judith with her gaming piece December 2014 |

More stake holes being uncovered December 2014 |

Post hole paddock on the last digging day December 2014 |

Getting all that last recording done December 2014 |

The Saxon gaming piece December 2014 |

Trenches b1 and b2 at height December 2014 |

David Staveley with his magnetometer December 2014 |

And now for the resistivity December 2014 |

Some of the team opening up the trench April 2015 |

Good to back in the field again April 2015 |

One of the first finds April 2015 |

Removing those upper layers April 2015 |